Quick start

To install Lambda Tools, type:

pip install lambda-tools

Note: you need to be using Python 3.5 or later (3.6 preferred).

Now create a file in the root directory of your project called aws-lambda.yml. A minimal lambda definition file will look something like this:

version: 1

      source: hello_world

      handler: hello.handler
      role: lambda-role
      region: eu-west-2

Create a folder next to your lambda function called hello_world and create a Python script within it called hello.py. Copy and paste the following contents into it:

def handler(event, context):
    return 'Hello world'

If you don’t already have an IAM role set up to run AWS Lambda functions, create one in the AWS console:

  • Select the IAM service under “Services”
  • Under “Roles”, select “Create Role”
  • Under “AWS Service” choose “Lambda” then click “Next: Permissions”
  • Select any policies that you want to apply to the role, then choose “Next: Review”
  • Give the role a name — in this case, “lambda-role”
  • Click “Create role”

Now run:

ltools build

You will see a file created next to your source directory called hello_world.zip. This is the package that will be uploaded to AWS Lambda.

Now run:

ltools deploy

All being well, this will deploy your code to AWS, in the eu-west-2 (London) region.