Using Lambda Tools with Terraform

If you are using Terraform to build up your infrastructure, you may want to use Lambda Tools to create the zip files to be uploaded to AWS.

Lambda Tools includes a “Terraform mode” switch in ltools build which allows you to use it in conjunction with Terraform’s external data source.

The setup for the external data source will look something like this:

data "external" "lambda" {
  program = [

resource "aws_lambda_function" "my_lambda" {
  function_name = "${var.lambda_name}"

  filename         = "${lookup(data.external.lambda.result, "${var.lambda_name}")}"
  source_code_hash = "${base64sha256(file(lookup(data.external.lambda.result, "${var.lambda_name}")))}"
  role             = "${aws_iam_role.github-user-management.arn}"

  handler = "main.handler"
  runtime = "python3.6"
  timeout = 30

What this is doing is passing an extra parameter, --terraform, to ltools build, which instructs it to render its output in the format required by Terraform’s external data source — specifically, a JSON dictionary of strings. The dictionary so returned will list the names of the functions which have been built, together with the paths to their respective build artefacts. You can then use Terraform’s lookup function to get the filename to be passed to the aws_lambda_function resource.


The --terraform option also redirects any output from ltools build from stdout to stderr. This output will only be rendered by Terraform if the build fails for any reason.